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(1 edit)

I give my full suport for the game and I hope at some point we'll figure out what happened to ian and ares in the true end. And i'm not trying to rush yuumsarte but i'm really curious about what ares secret is. i'm wondering if it's just something embarrassing or something really bad that could get into trouble. And I mean DEEP trouble.


Brooo I wish there was a ending where they actually like eachother, tbh they look so cute together TvT

I wholeheartedly agree


(1 edit) (+3)(-4)

I want to give my honest critique about Classmates.
This game, in general, I think, is okay. It's visible the developer put the hard work, f.e., on character's designs and enviroment. But in details, it lacks a lot of things, my main issue is the plot.
Why didn't girls, knowing their friend will go to the house of creepy and suspicious classmate, completely alone, in deep evening, go with her or didn't even send someone to guard her? It looks like June has very ignorant and toxic friends who don't care about her but pretend they do.
Why the main conflict about Ian's family hadn't resolved in the game? The only thing this conflict does as "Checkov's gun" is giving you the item to another ending. That's it, that's all, nothing else! For example, in old stalker horror like Clock Tower, conflict about Barrows family DOES affect the player and DOES affect the plot. You really need to know everything about Barrows family cause it hugely affects your views as the player and provides the way to good ending. It's literally the most important part of Clock Tower. But in Classmates, the information about Ian's family is unnecessary, it gives no profit for the player but receiving the item to two of the endings (one of them actually sucks, why should June go insane after killing her kidnapper?). And you can receive a good ending without even continuing the plot, without even taking the important item, without giving a damn about the life of the antagonist (which isn't the case at all in Clock Tower). If the developer wanted to make information about Ian and his family important, then they should have given much more purpose to it in the game.
Anyway, this game is still okay and I wish the developer to continue making games, but fixing mistakes of past game.


This reads as someone who doesn't quite understand human behavior and hasn't played any video games other than Clocktower in their lives. Not everything needs to be compared to Clocktower. It's a great game, but there are more ways to do things. An intelligent woman should understand that the difference between one woman and two to a potential attacker can be mitigated fairly easily. A better strategy is to be an efficient emergency contact and be prepared to get the police involved.

Now, some of your criticisms are certainly valid - an ending based on knowledge about Ian's family would be a great idea to bring a sense of resolution, and perhaps the endings could be a bit more meaningful on average - but most of the things said in this comment are simply ignorant of how people operate, especially under pressure.

(1 edit) (-1)

I see that you yourself try to portray like I don't know anything besides Clock Tower. You don't know me but you say not very polite stuff about my personality. I just gave Clock Tower as an example of "stalker horror" genre, what the Classmates is.
Dude, I played hundreds of videogames, horror games, too, like System Shock, Alan Wake etc. I also played dozens of indie games, even bad ones like Suicide of Rachel Foster. I know how people act under pressure, cause me myself was in abusive relationship for years. I just noticed mistakes the developer had done during writing plot and how it can be improved in the future. The game itself is okay, it just has some mistakes, I didn't say having mistakes is bad. It wasn't even addressed personally to you. The developer can just ignore me and don't care about my advice or take it with a grain of salt, I don't care. Why do you make a problem from this? I cannot critisize the developer only because they're beginner? If you think that Classmates is 100% perfect, then good for you. I'm glad that you agreed with me a bit but the rest of your reply is just frustrating. This is, it's not Twitter, people exist here not to make conflicts and make wrong assumptions about each other. Everybody can express their opinions and critisizm about games, no matter is the comment positive or negative. Just look at ManlyBadassHero chanel, he also played Classmates and also said his opinion about the game, which wasn't fully positive, would you go to him and say he doesn't know anything besides Clock Tower, too?


Oh wow, you're an angry one lmao. No, I wouldn't say that about him, as he knows how to present a good argument. You do not. Me saying your opinion is trash is doing the same thing you're arguing for - sharing my opinions. You don't like it you can, what was it, "ignore me and don't care", same as the dev.

You saying hypocritical stuff and acting like I think the game is perfect (despite my olive branch of agreeing with one of your points) just tells me that I struck a nerve, it doesn't actually reinforce your original stance. Try to remain calm online, you're only opening yourself up to trolls lol. For one who obviously dislikes the site formerly known as Twitter, you sure respond to criticism like you're there.


I'm sorry but I have a huge sence you're just a troll yourself who doesn't even hide it and you just try to ragebait me. Don't bother me ever again.


I'd like to point out her friends did try to convince her to let them go with her several times, she just turned them down. They were very worried about her, and in the good ending they take care of her and she's very comfortable with them. They're not toxic, just college kids.


how do i get it? im trying rn but its not working


i dont no

i love the art and gameplay sm. story is interesting and i love games like this! 


THIS IS SUCH A CUTE GAME i mean aside from the like entire. plot. but the artstyle/characters are super awesome and the puzzles are challenging but not like. crazy impossible

i also appreciate that there were endings for the common sense options LOL very nice


how do i can install it?


If you still need help, download it from the first link then open it in folders. once you have found and clicked the folder then press "extract all" in the right hand corner. After its done extracting everything then find the folder again and press enter, then scroll down till you find the game icon thing, (it kinda looks like a grass minecraft block) it will say application next to it.


Great Game, good luck if you fully intent on making this a series. Felt like it avoided a lot of pitfalls that indie games similar to this usually end up falling into.

(4 edits) (+2)

dayum this story was fd up. the art was really cute. i loved playing this game so much!


I feel bad for Ares

(5 edits) (+4)

I really love this game and highly recommend it!

The gameplay itself consists of some easy puzzles and a pretty good story. Even though the gameplay is not that challenging, the variety of what you have to do in order to pursue your goal makes it fun to solve those puzzles.

I played the game multiple times in order to find all of the endings and therefore I appreciate that you can skip through the dioalogues by holding the space bar. 

I recommend saving regularly! There are some minor bugs when entering the item menu. At some points the game gives you an error and you have to restart it. But even so...

Keep up the good work! I'd like to see more of this game. 
ヽ(* ̄▽ ̄*)ノ

- - - - - Spoilers ahead - - - - -

I'd really like to know more about the lore and the secrets that were mentioned. 

What the game gives us and what I think about it: 

Ian Davis and Ares Petrova are siblings, but she is only his half-sister. 

They at least don't share the same mother. I assume that because the woman in the photograph with baby Ian is not the same as in the family picture.

The other person on the telephone tried to get information about Ians father and asked why Ares stays at home. Maybe the school called and tried to get further informaion. 

Before Ares kicked us out of her room she mentioned her father. I'm not sure, if he is really just travelling or rather just dead. For two reasons. First: It sounds like he has not much contact to Ares or the person on the telephone, which called twice in a short time because of that. Second: One of the heads in the basement was a man. Because of the missing eyes and the shorter looking hair it might not be him, but it could be the fathers head.

Anya Petrova died because of suicide days before her wedding.

Anyas birthday is 11/12 and the password for the parents bedroom.

A Wedding date is 12/20. 

The picture in Ians pocket with his mother (probably) dates 06/17.

Anya Petrova is probably Ares mother. They at least share the same name.

If this was Ians mother than they (Ares mother and Anya) must be related, because of the same surname. Like sisters for example. And there was no clue that would let me think that it is so. The only thing that makes it plausible is that Anya as Ares mother died 50 days before her wedding day, which contradicts the newspaper article a little. This doesn't seem like days before her wedding. Nevertheless, her being Ares mother sounds more plausible right now to me. 

My theory about the story behind Ian and Ares is that Anya Petrova didn't kill herself as mentioned in the newspaper. She was killed and I think it might have been Ares who did it. At least Ians line 'Now your little secret is safe with your big brother.' lets me think she might have been involved. It could have been an accident. Even so either intended or accidentally it would explain why she seems traumatized. (That or maybe because her brother seems to like collecting heads of his guests).

(1 edit) (+3)

In conclusion they are all dead and June will be dead too!


Why would very young daughter kill her own mother? Anya died when Ian was a child and Ares was a baby. And Ares doesn't even have any resemblance of Anya in her appearance. Ian has the same eyes as Anya but Ares has nothing to relate to Anya, it means, Anya isn't Ares' mother. Ares can be 100% the child of the family or she's adopted, maybe, it's actually her secret. Or maybe, her secret is that she's not sick, she's just sociophobic, and Ian knows it, so he lies to Ares' school his sister is sick.


I have a chromebook laptop, idk how to open the game?




Such a great game! Keep up the good work <33

hii could you make an ending where he doesn't kill us and we decide to stay dont judge im a weird


You're so real for this

is that a good thing or a bad thing?

When someone says, "You're so real for this" or "real" when replying to something a person has said, it is because they find what the person said extremally relatable. So yes it's technically a good thing lol


great game :)

cant wait to see more from u !


Great game

btw when you open the wallet in the city (when you exit the cafe) the photo pops on under the lamps and the lamps are on on photo

(2 edits) (+2)

It's so good! I really like the artstyle, it's very neat but at the same time detailed, the backgrounds are also superb and the phone option is super cute !!I'm actually interested in the world buillding and the other characters lol 


Idk if I'm just naturally really interested in emo looking characters but Lillia slays <3


i cant download this game... it said that it couldn't find the file new.dll or something please help!


I LOVE THIS GAME IT WAS SO GOOD I'M SO EXCITED FOR MORE it's very well written and very interesting I loved the puzzles and everything just all around amazing


Question, will this game be available on mac? I would love to play it!


second this


I’m working on that!


well written game and nice choices. I loved this game, good job.


Love the game, though only good thing you might wanna add for those who don't follow the  like ending guides or walkthrough you should add little tips while completing the puzzles, but i love it so far! <33 Keep up the good work


I like the game in general but is there a way to get fullscreen as I only can just resize the window of the game


Woah, its enjoyable indeed. Just a little bug but hehe


its a really cool game, but i had to restart the game twice because of some bugs :( But still a good game!


same thing happened to me, mostly when i opened the menu


I fricking love it

thanks for working hard to create this game :>

and I can't stop coming up with theories about the game, I'm seriously hungry for the lore of the game :'D


whenever I see June die, I feel odd… maybe it’s that I feel horrible because of her death. I do love June. Not as much as Ian tho…

(1 edit) (+2)

I saw some videos on this game and immediately knew I should play the game myself before getting spoiled. Literally an amazing experience, keep it up! 


I love this game! I saw Kubz Scouts play this, and even though he already got 3/6 endings, I thought I'd give it a try! I got hooked on the dialogue and art style (so cute), but I also liked the music for this game. 

I was able to solve the puzzles with little to no difficulty (which, again, I saw Jay play it first), but I did have minor issues with bugs and errors. At the beginning outside the cafe, when the player accesses their wallet, the wallet appears behind the lampposts. Later, when June and Ian are talking in the basement, there's a "1" in one of June's "!?" lines. Also, and this is really me just being dumb, I went down into the basement at the same time the first timer ran out, and I didn't get a game over. Normally, I could just get out of the basement and get the game over I was supposed to get for not hiding under the bed. However, my screen went black, and I wasn't able to climb out. Again, minor things. I was still able to play and get all the endings!

An amazing game overall! I ended up spending two and a half hours just having fun trying different things and exploring. Finally getting ending 3 felt so rewarding! I really liked learning background info through items and hints in the dialogue. I also love what happens if you try putting a code in too early (it's a nice touch XD). Love this game and am excited for what's to come! (Also, sorry if this is really long, it's my first time using :))


Hello! Thank you SO much for the feedback!

I’ll work on fixing these tiny bugs :> I’m so glad you enjoyed the game, and don’t apologize for the long paragraph!! I love hearing constructive feedback. 


I love that Jay from the Kubz Scouts did a video on your game!

Anyway, I like the idea of this game. It seems quite scary and spooky. 


yeah hes how i found this game!


I made an itch account JUST to add this, i have never felt romantic feelings for anyone except my ex-bestie and have never loved anyone yet (nor have i found anyone attractive) BUT FUCKING IAN?!? god hes my type! AND IM FUCKING GAY. his pink hair fucking rocks! god i wish he was real, idc if hes a yandere im into that shit LMAO

(not fr, im not okay with yanderes bc they kill, its horrid)


frfr, but not gonna lie, Yanderes are kinda cute tho tbh lol, personally if someone would kill ANYONE for me because they were obsessed w/ me, wouldn't you want someone to love you like that? 


I know how u feel dw I FIND IAN HOT AS FUCK TOO


frfr like i just said that bc ppl can be rude but omfg yes i do!




Great gamed just started playing it its awsome im kinda stuck tho after you talk to ares  befor the save file thing what do you do after?


Just finished the game! It was short but very well developed! I really liked the timer mechanic and the pacing of the story, I can't wait to see more from you!

One thing i'd like to bring up is that on ending 3, an audio failed to load and the error was appearing in my screen (a halloween sound as it said in txt) I think it was probably a fault on my end since I do use windows 11, but i thought to bring it up anyways! Otherwise everything else worked perfectly <3


Oh! Thank you for bringing this up. I’ll check it out and see if it’s a bug :>


Played this game recently! I enjoyed it quite a bit. I'm excited to see what comes next for these characters.


This was a nice game.



AWESOME WORK KEEP IT UP! Looking forward to your next project <33

Let me smash pink man.


wow ur so cool and edgy for being attracted to a psychopath. 😐


Nah,its not because he´s a psychopath its his hair.



fuck you. You’re a disappointment. Kys



dawg its a FICTIONAL psychopath, obviously the person who commented wouldn't be attracted to him if it was a real life killer.


ya i dont believe that. Ur weird. Commit violent self harm pls


yea here come the cornballs. I don’t value any of your opinions you’re all weirdos



I too am in love with June


you ian !!!!

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